Masternode Guide
Step-by-step instructions to help you set up and run a Selenium masternode
Before you begin, ensure you have the following:
Collateral: A minimum of 2,000 SE (depending on the reward phase).
VPS or Dedicated Server:
CPU: Minimum 1x 1GHz (Recommended: 2x 2GHz)
RAM: Minimum 1GB (Recommended: 2GB)
Disk Space: Minimum 8GB (Recommended: 16GB)
Selenium Wallet:
Download the wallet from Selenium Wallet.
Step 1: Prepare Your VPS
1. Rent a VPS
Rent a VPS from a provider like DigitalOcean, Vultr, or Linode.
Recommended OS: Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04.
2. Access Your VPS
Connect to your VPS via SSH:
with your server's public IP address.
3. Update the Server
Run these commands to update your server:
4. Install Dependencies
Install the necessary tools:
Step 2: Set Up Your Wallet
1. Generate Collateral Address
Open your wallet and navigate to Tools > Debug Console.
Run the following command to generate a new address:
Send the required collateral (
1500 SE)
to this address.
2. Create a Fee Address
Generate a separate address for transaction fees:
Send a small amount (
1 SE
) to this address.
3. Create Addresses for: Owner, Voting, Rewards
Generate 3 separate addresses for each:
Save these 3 addresses.
Step 3: Generate Masternode Outputs
1. Wait for Confirmations
Ensure your collateral transaction has at least 4 confirmations.
2. Get the Outputs
Run the following command in the debug console:
Example output:
Note the Transaction ID and Output Index.
Step 4: Generate a BLS Key Pair
Run the following command in the debug console to generate a BLS key pair:
Example Output:
Save the public key and private key for later use.
Step 5: Register Your Masternode
Prepare the ProRegTx
Use the following command to prepare your ProRegTx transaction:
Example output:
Step 6: Configure the VPS
1. Download and Install Daemon
Download the Selenium daemon from GitHub:
Extract and install:
2. Create a Data Directory
Create a directory for the masternode data:
3. Configure the Masternode
Create the
file:Add the following details:
Save the file and exit (Ctrl + X
, then Y
4. Start the Masternode
Run the daemon:
Verify the status:
Last updated